

Article: NASA Delves into Deep Recesses of Mars

From VOA


NASA is promoting the mission called the Interior Exploration Using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) and constructing new lander which will research Mars. The mission is constituted of three main objects.

First object is to analyze the seismic wave to know about Mars’s core.

Second object is to investigate heat-flow to know how hot inter planet is.

Third object is to observe how Mars rotate its axis, what material Mars is composed of, the material’s distribution and size and density of the planet’s core.

So InSight is expected to help us understand the detail of the Mars.


I thought this article very surprising and interesting.

At first, in three points I was surprised. First, the ignorance of human-being for Mars. In this report, the writer told that human-being need to observe something about Mars. For example, Mars’s core and what kind of material Mars has. That because I have thought human-being have a lot of information about Mars, I was surprised that we don’t know such a basic information about Mars.

Second, the ability of the machine that will be used in InSight. It has main three function which will be able to move properly. I thought it surprising that the machine will move properly even after leaving the earth and changing environment completely.

Third, this is trifle. Two years in earth equal as a year in Mars. That is because I thought that time-flow speed is regular in the universe, this difference is very interesting to me.

And I also become to have interest in some portion in this article. The case that the research conducted by seismology will tell us the composition of the planet, the knowledge of heat-flow tell us the planet’s geology, the size of Mars’ wobble help us understand the size and density of the planet’s core.

These research are very interesting. So I want to check these kind of news by myself.






To ski

        I want to ski. That is because I have never experienced skiing. So I want to ski.
Previous time, I talked my inexperience to my friends. All of them were surprised, and suggested that we go to Iwate prefecture which one of my friends come from to ski. So I will go to Iwate to ski next winter. I am really looking forward to go skiing.


To go abroad

I want to go abroad. That is because I want to level up my language skill and experience other culture. In Japan I seldom have chance to test my English and Chinese speaking skill. So I want to go abroad to check my speaking skill. In addition to this, because I hardly know Japanese and Taiwanese culture, I want to go abroad to know my culture by experiencing other culture.


To live alone

        I want to live alone. Now I go to school by train from my home every day. When I was a high school student, I go to school by train. It took 1 hour. So I am used to riding the train long time. Now I take half an hour to commute school. So now I feel any suffering to go to school by riding train 1 hour. But there are the problems that TX`s last train leave 11:14 and luck of sleeping time. In terms of the former I cannot play with friend late time. In terms of the latter I cannot concentrate on study because of sleepiness. So I want to live alone by renting apartment.


To climb Mt. Tsukuba

I want to climb Mt.Tsukuba. When I was an elementary school student, I climbed Mt.Tsukuba three times. So I was familiar with Mt.Tsukuba well when I was an elementary school student. But after graduating elementary school, I did not climb Mt.Tsukuba. So I want to climb Mt.Tsukuba to recall my happy memory. I will climb Mt.Tsukuba in ”Spring C module” with my friend. I am looking forward to climbing Mt, Tsukuba.


To get driver’s license.

I want to get driver license. Thanks to recommendation entrance examination's date that I took and passed by December, I had a lot of free time. But at that time I did not come to mind to get driver license. I really regretted that. But my tennis circle FOREST will have license training camp and senior told me that that camp is much fan. In that camp people can get driver license, see aquarium, play tennis and do a test of one’s courage. I think that sounds exciting. So as a result that is because I can go that camp, that choice was a good choice that I did not get driver license.


To start a part-time job

         Now I do not do any job. I want to start a part-time job. But I have no idea what job I should do such as eating and drinking, cram school. So I reflect what job I should do by summer by looking various job and listening the employees. I will start job after summer.


To get a high score on TOEIC

I want to get high score at English test such as TOEFL and TOEIC. I took TOEIC after entrance examination. But I could not achieve my goal that get 800 score. So I will study harder and harder to level up my English will revenge on TOEIC. In addition to TOEIC, I will try hard to TOEFL. I have never taken TOEFL test. So I do not know my criterion, but I try hard to get score that I can be satisfied.


To level up my Double Dutch and tennis skills

I want to level up my Double Dutch and tennis skill. By the time I was a high school student I hardly do sports. But I become to have interest in tennis and Double Dutch after entrance examination. So I began to do these sports in Tsukuba University. I want to my Double Dutch and tennis skill to enjoy these sports more. And I want to do good Double Dutch performance and win tennis tournament


To become the person who can make a speech in front of many people

        I try to become the person who can make a speech in front of many people. I am poor at making a speech in front of many people. But I try hard to be used to making a speech. I try to some activity such as leader of something, chairman of school festival and oath of school athletic festival. In such experience I tensed up and barely accomplished. So I want to become the person who can be calm when the one make speech.


To be friends with all freshman who belong to the social engineering department

        I want to be friends with all freshman who belong to the social engineering department. I belong to social engineering department class 2. I hardly get on with someone who belong to other class. I tend to be shy when I talk such person. So I will change myself and talk to such person positively. Finally I hope to become friend with all freshman and hope social engineering department become friendlier department.

I am sure to do above 10 item‼







I bagin self-introduction.
My father and mother are Taiwanese. And I am also Taiwanese. But I born in Chiba prefecture and grown up in Chiba prefecture. So I am familiar with Japan than Taiwan particular Matsudo city. But I like both of countries and have two country spirits.
I am an honest person. So I am poor at hiding something secret. I think this character is my strongpoint. So I am proud of this character.
I experienced athlete’s oath of fair play when I was in third grade at high school. My high school has more than 1500 students. I have never experienced speech in front of such a lot of people. So I was tensed up so much. But according to that experience, I get tough mental and I become used to speaking in front of a lot of people.
I am very keen on playing tennis and Double Dutch. Although I have never experienced tennis and Double Dutch, I became interested in these sports according to my social engineering department’s senior. So I joined tennis club FOREST and Double Dutch club purplume. I will practice hard in my Tsukuba life.
I belong to Tsukuba University that was the University of my First Choice. When I was first grade at high school, I became interested in Tsukuba University because of closeness from my high school Tsuchiura Nihon University high school. In order to enter Tsukuba University I study hard, at last I could enter Tsukuba University. So I hope to enjoy my university life and do something I have never experienced actively.
I am Taiwanese but I can’t speak Chinese as native speaker. To make matter worse I can’t speak Chinese only a little. So I want to get ability of speaking Chinese in my University life by using Tsukuba’s character that has many foreign people.
Table tennis
I was a table tennis player when I was a junior high school student. When I was a high school student I quit playing table tennis because I lose my interest in sport. So I belonged to no club in my high school life. Because of this mind, I became lack of exercise. So I want to improve my health by playing tennis and Double Dutch.
I live in Matsudo city. I commute to school by train from my house. So I have to wake up earlier than those who live in Tsukuba by 2 hours. I tend to fall into lack of sleeping time. So I want to live in Tsukuba before the end of the year.
I encounter a lot of something new in Tsukuba University such as friend, surroundings, subject and club. So I tend to be confused. But I want to tackle everything positively, experience a lot of new things and talk that my university life is much solid in my graduation.