
「New movement of Service Science」

New movement of Service Science
Mayumi Itakura
      In 2005, the field of “service science” is dispatched by IBM headquarters in USA.
    Before this movement, the field of “service engineering” and “service management” are prevailed. So “service science” is easily prevailed soon. That prevailing speed was more than expectation. The researchers that majoring in except service are not exception. But the academe is still trying to define the word “service science”. In this article, writer ignore that movement and define the word “service science” comprehensive notion of service.
       From the beginning, “service science” was born for the reason of rapid increasing of the population that serve on service industry. The tendency has started from 1950’s. And this tendency has been increasing. Japanese population that serve on service industry is expected accounting for 67 percent of the whole finally. And for example, in Germany, China, India and USA have higher percent of that population. But until now, the service industry was served by hunch and experience. And they served service case by case. Therefore the movement that people try to grasp “service science” objectively and the birth of “service science” is naturally in consideration for this background.
      Nowadays, In Japan more researcher tend to research about “service science” than 5 years ago. The paper that have relation to “service” is also increasing. The way to approach “service science” is classified into 1) education, 2) government and academe and 3) scene. From the beginning, the beginning of “service science” is IBM and California University’s research. So “service science” was started from academe education program.
       In these days, academe aim at creating comprehensive way of including conventional way of “service science” for example use statistical science. This is one of the movement that the new organization of approaching “service science” is set up in all over the world for example japan, India, Australia, Germany and USA.
       All over the world, the notion that creating comprehensive way and educating are very important is becoming common sense. And IBM suggest the notion “Holistic approach”. That means taking account of the whole of society not only conventional approach. These notion are becoming new directions of “service science”.
     “Service science” is expected to be developed more and more. And we expect that japan is showed respect for the top of service in terms of service and service science.


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